Just a quick blog tonight!
With 2018 drawing to a close, we felt it best to give a quick update on the progress of the projects currently underway.
As those who frequent the site are likely aware, there are currently three publications in the works here at Roguelike Games, being created simultaneously.
The large flag-ship project that is Moralinth: Gothic Horror Roleplaying is being written both for Monte Cook Games' "Cypher System" as well as Wizards of the Coast's "Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition" game engine. While this is considered to be our main project and by far the most ambitious, it is also the one taking the largest amount of time.
The first in the Rapscallion Journals series of projects: quick and cheap additions to various game systems, aimed at either Gamesmaster and Players and designed to be used with minimal preparation; Plot Whole is a collection of quick-to-read and just as quick-to-use adventures for D&D 5e.
Below is a summary of our progress with the projects to date, and how far they will be toward completion by the end of 2018:
Being the first of the projects to start work way back in September of 2016, Moralinth: Cypher Edition the most complete project by a large margin. The actual content is done, complete and playable, and is currently under revision and re-write following two very successful play-tests: one internal and the other an external play-test.
Moralinth: Cypher Edition is in the polishing stages as it receives editorial changes, proof-reading and waits on the final art. Once it is complete it will remain as-is until the 5e version is also finished, at which point both will be released on Kickstarter.
With the near-completion of the Cypher version of the game, work has begun on Moralinth: 5e. Though the background material and lore can be reproduced for the new system, ensuring that the mechanics and theme from the Cypher to the 5e edition is no simple task.
With the two systems being so drastically different (one being narrative-focused and the other being driven by defined dice-mechanics), the largest portion of the work involved in the 5e version of the game revolves around ensuring that as much of the original game is preserved as possible without drastically altering the established balance of rules in D&D 5e.
The "new kid on the block", Plot Whole is already proving to be a much quicker and dynamic development process than the Goliath that is Moralinth. Though work on it began only recently, almost half of the adventures have already been written at first-draft level.
If the momentum of this pace can be maintained, we hope to have the book ready for distribution in early 2019.
Plot Whole might represent the first of the Rapscallion Journals products, but it is only the beginning!
That concludes the snapshot of where the three projects stand at the moment, and hopefully, it gives a clear idea of just how far along each of the publications actually are.
Roguelike Games will be going offline for the Christmas holidays as of Thursday 20th December. We will be returning with our first blog of 2019 on Tuesday the 1st of January.
We'd like to offer our festive good wishes to our readers in advance!
(There will be 4 more blogs before we close for the holidays, being 11/12/2018, 13/12/2018, 18/12/2018 and 20/12/2018).
Until the 11th,
Happy Gaming!
- Adam