No blog this evening, but rather a quick update with regards to the status of the Roguelike Games website going forward.
As of Tuesday 1st January 2019, the Roguelike Games (regular) blogs will be dropping down from twice a week (every Tuesday and Thursday) to once a week (every Tuesday).
The reason for this is to allow extra time to be spent on writing the game content to ensure we get publications produced in a timely manner.
The up-side to this (besides that listed above) is that more updates will be coming via the Facebook Page at a more frequent rate. These smaller notifications will keep those following the projects up to date, rather than only hearing from us twice per week.
The fact that the regular bi-weekly blogs will now become weekly does not mean less news, just that it will be more manageable from this side. Any major updates will be posted as information becomes available, regardless of the date. In other words, these will be exempt from the usual weekly blog restriction.
You'll hear more from us soon, but in the meantime:
Happy Gaming!
- Adam
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