[July 2024]
Greetings all, and welcome to the July (2024) update for Roguelike Games!
Following our 'Species Spotlight' updates (refer to the blogs for April, May, and June 2024), this month we turn our attention to the Uncanny Edition of Moralinth: Gothic Horror TTRPG, examining the eight Character Types available for Players to select for their Characters.
Divided between July and August, the 'Uncanny Types Updates' will explore the first four Character Types this month, with the latter four to be detailed in the update for August.
(please note that this is content specific to the Uncanny Edition of the game, which uses a modified variant of the Cypher System ruleset and is being developed under the Cypher System Open License (CSOL). For those familiar with the Cypher System, much of this information will be recognisable, in part.
For similar content in the Gloom Edition, keep an eye out for our 'Gloom Calling Updates' starting in September 2024!)
Lets delve into the Types of Moralinth: Uncanny Edition....
What are "Types"?
A Character’s Type represents their calling within the world of Moralinth and is one of the most fundamental parts of the character creation process, acting as a core upon which all other game mechanics can be hung.
In Moralinth Type most closely resembles a character “class” in other games, and within this game there are eight character Types to choose from: Adept, Combatant, Dilettante, Explorer, Rapscallion, Sleuth, Spiritualist and Technocrat.
In this month's update, we will be looking at the first four of these Types.
A character's Type is one part of character creation, along with Descriptor and Focus which collaboratively form a Character Statement. This statement, as well as providing a list of abilities to choose from when designing a Character, also provides a simple summary of the character at a glance. The Character Statement comprises of a noun, verb and adjective where the Type constitutes the noun aspect of the statement.
For example, a character might be described as "...an Inquisitive Explorer who Sees Beyond."
This above example can be broken down into
"...an [Adjective] [Noun] who [Verb]."
(...an [Descriptor] [Type] who [Focus]. )
While certain Types may align with various Descriptors or Focus, Players have the freedom to construct their Characters in any combination they wish, contributing to the diverse and intriguing dynamics of the party.
Moralinth: Uncanny Edition Character Types
The Adept
Adepts, whether they are gifted individuals with extraordinary powers, Occultists exploring ancient mysteries, or Scientists stretching the limits of known reality, all share a prominent and evident use of The Spark. They must use their Talents cautiously to avoid persecution by The Inquisition, as Adepts have the ability to manipulate The Dark, often altering reality in both subtle and remarkable ways. While Adepts come from various social strata and walks of life, they are frequently born into middle or upper-class families where their unique abilities can be concealed from the public, or into environments that encourage personal development and critical thinking.
STARTING TALENTS: Adepts initially have access to Talents which modify reality in small and subtle ways, alter the perception of others or spin The Dark into specific spells.
WHY PLAY AN ADEPT? : Adepts are discerning individuals, adept at critical thinking and problem-solving. They explore the world's intricacies, seeking to harness the myriad forces at play. If you aim to depict an investigator eager to unravel The Dark, probe into the arcane lost to myth, or propel scientific exploration past conventional limits, then an Adept might be for you.
Examples of Adepts include Abdul Alhazred, Abraham Van Helsing & Victor Frankenstein.
The Combatant
The Combatant is a person of action, likely brought up in a life of violence or extreme physical pursuit. Able to push their bodies to seemingly extraordinary lengths they embody strength, endurance and agility, and are hardy as well as physically vital. A Combatant can come from any walk of life, but all share a mentality that action quite often speaks louder than words. This does not mean they are necessarily slow, socially awkward, or impetuous, simply that they recognise that there is a time to analyse, a time to question and a time to act – and they excel at the acting part of that equation.
STARTING TALENTS: Combatants start with a selection of Talents which exemplify their namesake: combat-enhancement abilities which either augment themselves on the field of battle or provide them with unusual martial techniques that are hard to counter.
WHY PLAY A COMBATANT? : Combatants are resilient individuals, determined and ready to confront danger directly. In situations where diplomacy falters or when a situation demands immediate and firm action, the Combatant stands prepared. Should you wish to depict a character who approaches challenges head-on, ready to confront The Dark with stern resolve, then a Combatant might be for you.
Examples of Combatants include Arthur Holmwood, Captain Robert Walton & Ethan Chandler.
The Dilettante
The Enclaves are highly socially-evolved communities where complex political structures, class systems and behaviours are ingrained in all aspects of Imperial life. None understand the minutiae behind this minefield of etiquette better than the aristocratic high society. Referred to as “The Great Game”, this pseudo-political back-and-forth can get people killed more easily than a sharp blade or can ruin a reputation with well-placed words.
The Dilettante is almost always born into high society, or at the very least have come into money. They expect a certain quality of life but at the same time are expected to present a civilized demeanour that others aspire to. Masters of manipulation and diplomacy, Dilettantes are more than simply ‘bored rich people’, possessing skills and abilities reserved for those who can afford to study them.
STARTING TALENTS: Dilettantes start with a selection of Talents which allow them to persuade and manipulate others, or alter themselves in a variety of ways to elicit a desired response from those they interact with.
WHY PLAY A DILETTANTE? : Sometimes, having the ear of the right person, calling in favours from influential contacts, or persuading someone to see things your way can be more advantageous than being the smartest or most intimidating person in the room. Dilettantes use their resources and charm to attain their objectives, concealing their often merciless agendas behind sweetened words. If you wish to depict a character who thrives on their wit and allure, unbound by financial constraints, then a Dilettante might be for you.
Examples of Dilettantes include Dorian Gray, Lucy Westenra & Prince Prospero.
The Explorer
For some, the discovery of the unknown and the understanding of that which often eludes us is a life-long goal, a longing and occasionally a curse. Explorers are men and women who either feel uncomfortably restrained by civilization and society, or seek to uncover the past, distant places or forgotten cultures. Many do it for the extra understanding it brings them, but just as many Explorers seek these things out for glory, money or sometimes just to sate an insatiable curiosity. A mixture of physical and mental ability is important for an explorer, as these adventurer-scholars need to be physically fit as well as have a sharp eye for detail.
STARTING TALENTS: Explorers begin with various Talents that provide practical applications, enabling them to utilize their knowledge and physical abilities to surmount diverse challenges.
WHY PLAY AN EXPLORER? : Explorers know that the greatest treasures are often hidden in neglected places that demand a specialized skill set to navigate. Whether in pursuit of lost knowledge or raiding ancient tombs for their riches, Explorers are drawn to adventure among the world's mysteries and ruins. If you aim to portray a character who is intrigued by history and brave enough to gamble it all to unearth secrets, then an Explorer might be for you.
Examples of Explorers include Sir Malcolm Murray, White Fell & William Dyer.
How Types work in Moralinth: Uncanny Edition
Type is a fundamental pillar of character creation in Moralinth: Uncanny Edition, alongside Descriptor and Focus. Together, these elements form a Character Statement that provides a concise narrative description of the character and also dictates the various ways in which the characters engage with the game's mechanics. Specifically, each Type gives various starting options for a Character which include:
STAT POOLS In Moralinth: Uncanny Edition, characters have three primary Statistics, commonly known as "Stats." These stats are Might, Speed, and Intellect.
Statistics serve to estimate a character's proficiency in specific areas and are also utilized as a resource to activate different Talents and track health states. Consequently, a character's sum in each statistic is equivalent to a Stat Pool. For instance, a character possessing 14 points in Might would have a corresponding pool of 14 Might Points available for use during gameplay.
EFFORT Effort is a special resource used to push certain rolls and checks in the Character's favour. All Types begin with the ability to use 1 Effort.
EDGES In Moralinth: Uncanny Edition, 'Edge' denotes an advantage in a particular area. Possessing an Edge in a Statistic simplifies the checks involving that Statistic for the Character. For instance, a Character with a Speed Edge would have an easier time succeeding in Speed-based checks.
Each Character Type provides one or more Edges during the character creation process.
INSANITY & CORRUPTION POINTS Insanity and Corruption play a crucial role in any Moralinth campaign, particularly in the Uncanny Edition, where accumulating excessive points can be perilous.
Choosing a Type determines the initial number of Insanity or Corruption points a player starts with, if any.
CYPHER LIMIT In the world of Moralinth, 'cypher' refers to a magical, cursed, or enchanted item or effect as termed by the Uncanny. Each character has a capacity for a finite number of cyphers at once, and the Type chosen by a player may influence this limit.
TALENTS "Talents" refers to the special abilities, powers, techniques, and skills granted to The Uncanny. Some talents necessitate resources for activation (typically points from a character's Stat Pools), while others are passive enhancements that persist once unlocked.
Each Type starts with a set number of Talents unlocked (referred to as 'Type Standard Talents'), but also gets to select 4 additional Talents from a list specific to their Type at character creation.
SOCIAL STATUS Moralinth is fundamentally a social game where a Character's impact on the constantly evolving social landscape is as crucial and hazardous as any supernatural challenges they encounter. Characters start with a certain number of Social Status points, which are subject to change due to various factors and can fluctuate throughout the game.
The Type you select may effect your starting Social Status.
FACTIONS In the Moralinth universe, factions represent the dominant power groups. During character creation each Type can align with one faction earning their Favour, and oppose another, garnering Disdain.
The Dilettante Type is an exception, starting their investigative journey with influence over multiple factions.
WAGES / RETAINER This represents the amount of expendable funds your character starts with in the game, approximately equivalent to their normal weekly income. This amount varies by Type, but is also effected by other factors.
BACKGROUNDS Each Type begins with a selection of Backgrounds that the Player can choose from, adding extra customisation and roleplaying depth to the Character.
STARTING EQUIPMENT Each Type comes with a collection of free equipment that they receive as part of their selection.
The information and customization options available when selecting a Type, as mentioned above, constitute only a third of the character creation process. However, they are still crucial in shaping and developing your Character's persona within the game world.
Roguelike Community
The Moralinth Official Facebook Group is the place to visit for quick and concise updates for those who only want the summarised details of what is happening with Moralinth, and is a great place to see the artwork, lore snippets, and updates. We're looking to add more to it so that we can add extra information, but we need your help! What sort of things would you like to see included in the Facebook Group that isn't there already? Feel free to leave comments so we can know what is a priority for everyone - and make sure you tell your friends!
For a more in-depth and interactive playground for all things Moralinth, you can head over to the Morlainth Official Discord Server. We're looking to foster the community and grow it out, and a few of the messages we've received of late have asked for more ways to interact with the game world as well as an increase in setting information. We're looking to try and grant both requests simultaneously, so keep an eye on Discord for more information! Feel free to invite anyone who you feel might want to follow the project but please remember they need to verify their account when they first join the server (you need to click the little "tick" to be granted the Uncanny role and gain access to all the Categories, Channels and Events).
Future Plans
August will see a continuation of our introduction to the remaining four Uncanny Edition "Types". We've already had a glimpse of the Adept, Combatant, Dilettante and Explorer, and August will introduce us to the Rapscallion, Sleuth, Spiritualist and Technocrat!
....and that wraps up our update for this month! Feel free to drop us a message or come visit us on our Facebook page or our Discord Group if you'd like! Until our next update,
Happy Gaming!
- Adam