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History of the Moralinth World

Writer's picture: Adam DonovanAdam Donovan

[ Image by Kellepics ]
[ Image by Kellepics ]

Any table-top gaming world that is not set on Earth - such as Moralinth - has its own timeline, its own collection of important events that help shape the contemporary version of the world that players jump into. In this, Moralinth is no different. It mirrors Earth in a lot of ways, but is an entirely different celestial body with its own rich well as a pre-history that is unbeknownst to all but the most dedicated of historians (though, it should be noted, almost all of these historians have been driven insane by their discoveries). Moralinth, as well as being the name for the game, is the name of the planet the game is set upon. There are many different continents and nations, just as there is on Earth, but for the purposes of the game the stories and drama take place in a singular continent that is referred to by its residents as 'The Known World' or, more recently 'The Estanian Empire". The Known World is made up of 18 countries all (more or less) under the control of a singular Empress. A simplified map of the known world is included here for reference:

A map of The Known World / The Estanian Empire
A map of The Known World / The Estanian Empire



In today's blog, we're going to look at some of the major events that helped shape the world of Moralinth, specifically focusing on the events surrounding The Known World, as this is most pertinent to the characters in the game.

Detailed here – as much as can be reliably corroborated – is a history of the world of Moralinth. A brief explanation of the following:

· “Age Of…” As much as anyone can tell, the world has gone through many ‘ages’. With the most recent and current one being the Age of Reason

· IR is short for 'Imperial Reckoning'. When the Empire of Estania was established, they began a new calendar which replaced the old Deific Calendar. 0 IR is indicated as the beginning of the Estanian Empire.

· AI is short for 'Afore Imperial' and is again part of the Imperial Calendar, categorising the years before the new Imperial Calendar was established. AI runs backwards so 1 AI is one year before the founding of the Empire. 100 AI is one hundred years before, and so on.

· DC is short for Deific Calendar and was the universal standard of calendar before the formation of the Estanian Empire.

All entries in this timeline will have both IR / AI dates listed as well as their DC equivalent. As a rule, characters use the IR abbreviation, the game is set in 567 IR.


Age of The Devourer: ( ??? AI/IR, ??? DC)

Pre-dating the written word and with nobody left alive to recall the events, the Age of the Devourer is included here only for player / narrator interest. The exact dates are unknown, but it is so named because it marks a cataclysm when the previous world was “devoured” and Moralinth as it is understood today began to take form. It is during this time that the Gods came to the world, though only the deities themselves are aware of this.


Age of Legends: ( ??? AI/IR, ??? DC)

Very few texts exist from or about this time in the world’s history, and many that did were destroyed during the Age of Darkness. According to fables it is a time when monsters roamed the world and great heroes stood against them. It is also widely believed (and taught by The Church) that this is the first age of the world, when it was created by the Gods.


Age of Darkness: (5,850 AI / -3,600 DC) (Approx)

A time of great upheaval in the world, the time known as The Age of Darkness is when humanity first started forming permanent communities and spreading across what would later become The Known World. The Age of Darkness was also a time of great warfare and bloodshed as humanity carved out a niche in the world. Though no records show exactly when this Age started, the earliest writing hint at around -3,600 DC.


The Church established, first Prime elected; His Holiness Akaan Branan I: 5,500 AI / -2,250 DC

After thirteen-hundred years of in-fighting and carnage, humanity begins its first steps toward cohesion with a conjoining of all ten deities being brought under a single religion: The Dark Pantheon. The High Priest that brought the religious leaders together was a man called Akaan Branan, who was proclaimed the first Prime of The Church in -2,250 DC.


Age of Magic:

3,250 AI / 0 DC

Though most records of this time have been destroyed or heavily modified by The Church, the Age of Magic tells of a time when magic was very real, when Clerics of The Church could perform incredible miracles, and Magi could weave reality by focusing arcane energies. Despite the literary purge by The Church, some texts do still survive from this time, especially in areas that were heavily influence by magic such as the nation of Lyryris.


Age of Reason: 750 AI / 2,500 DC

The dawning of the current age came about when magic mysteriously vanished from the world and humanity had to learn to rely on the relatively under-developed areas of industry and science. In time the world began to forget about magic and turned their attentions away from faith and concentrate more on technology - much to the ire of The Church. Though The Church still predominantly ruled the masses, their control began to slip and so the organisation split into three sections: The Clergy, The Holy Forces and The Inquisition.


Church Reform:

600 AI / 2,650 DC

With the increasing popularity of industry and science over faith and religion, The Church radically re-designed the way they were viewed by the people, going so far as to re-invent the image portrayed of the ten Gods (changing them from fear and respect-inducing entities to beings of wisdom and compassion) and changing the Dark Pantheon to the Multi-Faced Pantheon.


Lithan Protectorate Founded:

400 AI / 2,850 DC

The original Empire of the Known World, in 2,850 DC the island nation of Lithanthul was united under their first high leader, Legat Lar Amundus. Brutal, efficient and organised, the Lithan Protectorate swept across The Known World, enslaving all in their path. In their six-hundred and fifty year reign they had the countries of Dalevya, Lyryris, Mirannias, Germandeos, Jepuraea, Scotacion, Terrarctana, Estana and of course Lithanthul under their command and controlled the largest portion of The Known World under a single ruler-ship to date.


Estanian Resistance formed:

60 AI / 3,190 DC

Unbeknown to the leaders of the Protectorate, under the leadership of a man named Roligar Lacana a resistance movement took hold in the relatively backwater colony of Estana Isle. Gaining support from the nations of Ursur, Antea and Manyas, this resistance led surgical strikes against Protectorate supply lines and military bases as well as secretly aided in a revolution in the Protectorate’s northernmost holding of Terrarctana.


Terrarctana declares independence from the Protectorate:

2 AI / 3,248 DC

Rising up against their Lithanite masters, the people of Terrarctana took back their homeland with secret assistance from the Estana Resistance. At the same time the Resistance began supporting the people of Germandeos in the south in a similar endeavour.


The World War & The Germandeos Purge: 1 AI / 2,249 DC

Assuming that Terrarctana had gained support from the eastern countries of Ordova and Thevur, The Protectorate declares war on them but the nations of Ursur, Antea, Manyas, Etharn and Libantas rally behind the besieged countries and Terrarctana – barely recovered from their own revolt – assist against The Protectorate as well.

A massive and bloody conflict that would last over two-hundred years and take millions of lives before its end ensued, recorded by history as the “World War”.

Simultaneously as the eastern and western nations fought, the people of Germandeos drove the Lithanites from their lands but at great cost when they used a scorched earth tactic: detonating explosives to make Germandeos into a scarred wasteland that would take many hundreds of years to fully recover, but also useless to the Lithanites who abandoned the blasted country.


Estanian Empire Founded, First Emperor, Stanius Lacana crowned: 0 IR / 3,250 DC

In an attack that would force both a retreat in Protectorate Forces and also reveal Estana’s pivotal role in the many conflicts that had inflicted heavy loses on The Protectorate, the Estana Resistance launched a surprise attack on the Isle of Lithanthul, taking out many of their prominent leaders. The retaliation from The Protectorate was swift and vicious but ultimately rebuffed when all of the enemies of the Protectorate rallied around Estana, pledging their allegiance to the nation that had unified them. Following the defence of Estana Isle the Estanian Empire was founded, with Roligar’s son, Stanius Lacana crowned as the first Emperor. The World War continued, with only the nations of Amus and Timicias remaining neutral in the conflict. The new Estanian Empire do away with the Deific calendar, declaring the year of their founding as 0 IR (the founding year of Imperial Rule).


Estanian Rail Company established:

88 IR / 3,338 DC

In 88 IR a single company purchased the last of the once many locomotive companies to gain a monopoly on all train production and maintenance. Known as the Estanian Rail Company (or ERC) they would later go on to control all railways across The Known World.


Magic returns to the World:

230 IR / 3,480 DC

Silently and unknown to all, The Dark reawakens, and Magic begins to gradually manifest in the world once more.


First Case of The Blight:

235 IR / 3,385 DC

The first known case of The Blight is recorded in the Ursur village of Kellheim. All members of the community and many others for miles around are consumed by the infection. A small handful of survivors make it to the cities to spread the word. Within a week reports of The Blight had spread to neighbouring countries.


Work begins on first Enclave wall, surrounding Elysium:

238 IR / 3,488 DC

The Imperial City of Estana on Estana Isle passes the order of ‘The Enclave Initiative’: a plan to put collections of cities behind massive walls to keep out The Blight. Work begins on the first Enclave, surrounding the cities of Estana, Northolde, Haven, Greenwood and Rysa in a huge wall with heavily fortified gateposts in the northwest, southwest and southeast portions of the fortification.


Cult of the Lightbringer appears:

240 IR / 3,490 DC

A cult of compassionate priests begins gaining influence across the Estanian Empire. Calling themselves ‘Children of The Lightbringer’, these cultists show allegiance to an eleventh God not part of The Multi-Faced Pantheon known as Elyon. The Church begin trying to stamp out pockets of Lightbringer worshippers, declaring them heretics.


The Blight rages across northern countries:

242 IR / 3,492 DC

Despite many failed attempts to quell or cure it, The Blight spreads across all of the northern countries with recorded outbreaks in Terrarctana, Ordova, Antea, Thevur and Manyas.


Elysium Founded:

245 IR / 3,495 DC

Seven years after construction began, the final brick of the great wall that marked out the first Enclave was placed. Named “Elysium”, the cities of Estana, Northolde, Haven, Greenwood and Rysa were re-purposed as Wards of this massive Enclave-City under the ruler-ship of the Emperor. With the success of Elysium, work begins in earnest to create three more Enclaves on the Isle, as well as support and plans sent to the other nations of the Known world to help erect Enclave walls of their own. Interestingly, this information was event sent to Lithanthul, but was returned with a dead messenger.


Lithan Protectorate overthrown:

250 IR / 3.500 DC

With resources exhausted after over two centuries of warfare and a dwindling population now affected by The Blight but lacking the protection of the Enclave walls, the Lithan Protectorate finally surrendered to the Estanian Empire in 250 IR (or 3.500 DC by the Deific calendar that the Protectorate still used). Rather than brought low by their conquerors, the leaders of the once-Protectorate instead saw their country bolstered against The Blight, flooded with resources and their leaders left in power (with some safeguards) if they pledged allegiance to The Emperor. Some refused and were incarcerated, but those who joined the Empire were instrumental in the relief effort and the raising of Lithanthul’s three Enclaves – Haksur, Parrae and the capital Enclave of Lithana – and the salvation of their culture and their country. Though many Protectorate loyalists see this as the defeat of their once mighty empire, most are careful about how they voice their concerns considering the major Watch presence left Imperial forces.

Within the same year, the two remaining neutral countries of Amus and Timicias join The Estanian Empire.


The Lightbringer joins the Multi-Faced Pantheon:

255 IR / 3.505 DC

After fifteen years of trying to stomp out the increasingly popular cult of The Lightbringer, The Prime instead offers the Cult a place within the Pantheon, as well as offering Elyon a place as the eleventh Deity. The iconography of The Multi-Faced Pantheon is changed, and a religious holiday observed with the unveiling of the new 11-pointed star emblem of The Church.


Work on final Enclave – Sanctuary – completed:

366 IR / 3,616 DC

After a massive Empire-wide effort, the last Enclave of Sanctuary is completed on the isle of Dalevya. For the first time in one-hundred and thirty years The Blight is contained, and cases of infection begin to rapidly decline. Though no cure for The Blight presents itself, humanity at last has a chance to exist alongside it.


Fourth Emperor, Dorallis Varl I crowned / Slavery abolished / Work begins on first Clockworks:

471 IR / 3,721 DC

With the death of The Empire’s third Emperor, his son Dorallis Varl takes the throne and one of his first acts of power proves to be highly controversial: the abolishment of slavery across The Empire. The keeping of unpaid servants became illegal overnight (though slave owners did have seven days to release – and offer paid employment to – their slaves) and it became a crime to keep indentured servants. This did not sit especially well with the aristocracy with many of the outer-colonies offering up resistance initially but did make the fourth Emperor a darling of the common man.


First of the MK 1 Clockworks is built:

474 IR / 3,724 DC

In response to the void left behind with the abolishment of slavery, a group of scientists began work on an autonomous mechanical servants with money supplied by the Estanian aristocracy. In the winter of 474 IR the first “Clockwork Servant” prototype was built and proved so successful it began to be mass-produced after just one year of testing.


The Imperial Technical College (ITC) is formed:

474 IR / 3,725 DC

The success of the Clockwork servants grants the initial group of scientists so much revenue and prestige that they form the first major scientific and technological research organisation in the Empire, becoming known as the Imperial Technically College (or ITC). Based out of the Sapphire District in Elysium’s Rysa Ward, the ITC is now the foremost recognised body on all scientific, industrial and technological pursuits in the Empire.


The current Prime; His Holiness Olasian Dellasin II, is elected:

515 IR / 3,765 DC

Archbishop Olasian Dellasin is sworn in as the new Prime of The Church and takes up residence in the Pantheonar within the Holy Enclave of Aeir in the country of Libantas.


Clockwork Revolt:

560 IR / 3,810 DC

What is first assumed to be a malfunction with the Clockworks turns out to be unexplained, spontaneous sentience, resulting in many Clockworks turning against their owners in bloody revolt. The Watch are mobilised against the threat but have difficulty against an opponent that feels not pain, does not sleep or eat and shows little by way of fear. Lasting a 14 months, this time is later recorded as the Clockwork Revolt.


Clockworks awarded Imperial citizenship:

561 IR / 3,811 DC

An elderly Emperor Varl calls an end to human-clockwork hostilities by decreeing all Clockworks free citizens of the Empire and, much like the situation with the slaves freed so many years ago, it become illegal to own a Clockwork against their will. The ITC reimburses the many previous Clockworks but ironically, once they gain their independence, almost 80% of Clockworks choose to remain working in the service industry.


First Empress, Anu Jynrelle III crowned:

564 IR / 3,814 DC

In 564 the young and idealistic Anu Jynrelle succeeds Emperor Varl to the throne of Estana, becoming the first Empress of the Estanian Empire. Crowned in Branan Abbey of Holy Quarter District of Elysium’s Haven Ward, the Empress is ascended by His Holiness Olasian Dellasin II, alongside her Admirals and High Regents.


Current Year:

567 IR / 3,815 DC

The Empress has ruled for three years of prosperity, peace and lawful co-habitation. Diplomacy between The Empire and the people beyond The Four Borders continues, industry and technological progress reaches to even the furthest corners of The Known World and many are heralding the end of the decade as a new Golden Age.


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