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Roguelike Games is a brand-new independent Table-top Role-playing game company owned and managed by myself, Adam Donovan
After 30+ years of table-top role-playing and writing many hundreds of thousands of words dedicated to home-brew content for numerous RPGs, I have followed advice from friends and family to share these works with those of like-mind.

The result of this is Roguelike Games; a platform for me (and in the future hopefully a larger team!) to showcase and share these game worlds with my fellow role-players as well as a place to accept feedback, constructive criticism and suggestions into the various projects as they develop.

As a lone operator it will come as shock to none that I do have constraints not afforded to larger companies or teams.  Time and finances are limited commodities but my drive and enthusiasm will hopefully come across in my work and - with the help of you all - the feverish designs of my mind could become tomes of inspiration for your gaming tables.


Roguelike Games will be operating initially via crowd-funding (in this instance Kickstarter) until enough funds can be raised to establish a consistent level of output at which point it will branch out and look to hire other writers, designers, artists and editors.

My aim is to establish Roguelike Games as a developer of interesting and stand-out role-playing content and build the team to expand the capabilities of this one-man team into a publisher worthy of merit.  Through evolution and growth Roguelike Games can look to add itself to the already impressive collection of publishing houses keeping interactive storytelling alive well into the 21st century and beyond.


Owner / Lead Writer / Lead Designer


Role-playing obsessive, freelance writer and first-time father, Adam Donovan is the developer of the Moralinth: Gothic Horror RPG as well as many (as yet unpublished) role-playing games.
Located in the hardly-ever sunny south coast of the United Kingdom, he spends his time embracing the sacred hours of 21:00 - 03:00 where he can write in peace without being accosted by his toddler daughter.

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